Over the past six months a team of historians, a counsellor and an occupational health professional have been discussing researcher wellbeing. We have shared our own experiences and discussed what changes we would like to see. The guidelines that you can read and download on this page are the result of these discussions.
This document outlines the main issues that researchers, their supervisors or line managers, ethics committees, institutions and funders should be actively aware of and preparing for. We hope to encourage more active and meaningful conversations about researcher vulnerabilities, mental health and wellbeing and we will be updating the guidelines in response to comments. Please read though, share, and let us know your thoughts in the comments box below. You can download the document here.
This document was written by Jessica Hammett, Agnes Arnold-Forster, Jenny Barke, James Dawkins, Hannah Elizabeth, Aleema Gray, Sophie Holley, Kate Mahoney, Claire Nunan and Yewande Okuleye. The project was supported by Jessica Hammett’s ESRC New Investigator award ES/V001329/1, and run in conjunction with The School of Applied Mental Health.
To find other resources relating to researcher wellbeing, ethics and methods see the Challenging Research Network.
Suggested citation: Jessica Hammett, Agnes Arnold-Forster, Jenny Barke, James Dawkins, Hannah Elizabeth, Aleema Gray, Sophie Holley, Kate Mahoney, Claire Nunan and Yewande Okuleye, Researcher Wellbeing: Guidelines for History Researchers (June 2021),
Let us know what you think of the guidelines. What do you like about them? What is missing? What needs to happen next?
These are hugely helpful. Are there any ways to adapt these for advice for students engaging with primary materials as part of modules? Or are there resources elsewhere for this?